Northglenn Arts & Humanities Foundation (NAHF)


The Northglenn Arts & Humanities Foundation (NAHF) provides funding for quality youth theatre, performing arts collaborations, national tours, public art, and other cultural endeavors in the North Denver Metro area under the umbrella Northglenn Arts. Yearly, 36,000 youth and adults attend or participate in a NAHF funded performance, special event or class. Hundreds of thousands enjoy the extensive public art collection throughout the city. All programming takes place at the Parsons Theatre in the Northglenn Recreation Center, EB Rains Jr. Memorial Park, and various parks throughout Northglenn.

The mission of the NAHF is to maintain and nurture the cultural arts for the benefit of our community. Its plan is to accomplish this through the development and support of successful collaborations between the arts, businesses, service groups, schools and artists for optimum utilization of artistic resources. NAHF strives to provide access for all residents to the performing and visual arts, to promote an awareness of the arts and to enhance the community image through the development of a cultural climate. In partnership with the City of Northglenn, NAHF sponsors affordable, quality arts programs and performances at the Parsons Theatre and in City parks and schools.

Formed in 1990, the NAHF is a non-profit, charitable organization with a 501(c)3 status. In compliance with the IRS, tax-exempt organizations must make annual returns and annual reports available for public inspection.  Click the links below for the 2021 Financial Report and Parks, Recreation and Cultural Programs Annual Report that include NAHF funded programs.

NAHF Board of Directors

  • Jill Parsons, President
  • Donna Cole, Vice-President
  • Laura Baukol, Secretary
  • Kit Steffen, Treasurer
  • Andrew Vartabedian, Member
  • Jami Bhatti, Member
  • Jennifer Nevins, Member
  • Joyce Downing, Member
  • Kirsten Tagestad, Member
  • Rosie Garner, Member
  • Steven George, Member

Non-Voting Members

  • Jay Jaramillo, City Council Liaison
  • Michael Stricker, Director

If you are interested in joining the board, contact us below.

The NAHF is able to support arts programs in Northglenn because of generous donors.

Consider giving today to help support all the amazing programs of Northglenn Arts!

Thank you to all our donors!

NAHF Financials

We are committed to being fiscally responsible, conscientious stewards of our resources, and maintaining sound business practices that are ethical and transparent. Therefore, we make readily available our most recent 990 for review

IRS Status
The Northglenn Arts & Humanities Foundation (EIN 74-2576564) is registered as a nonprofit corporation (since 1990) and qualifies as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

990: NAHF 2021
990: NAHF 2022
990: NAHF 2023